When a piece of luggage goes missing, airlines typically have a process in place to try and reunite the bag with its owner. The first step is to locate the missing bag, which is usually done through a baggage tracking system that tracks the location of each piece of luggage. If the bag is found, it will be delivered to the owner’s destination or shipped to their home address.

However, if the luggage cannot be located, it is classified as lost or mishandled. Airlines have guidelines and procedures in place for reimbursing passengers for lost luggage, but this process can be lengthy and frustrating for passengers.

Unclaimed Baggage at Airports

But what about unclaimed baggage? When luggage is unclaimed for a certain period of time, it is sent to the airport’s Unclaimed Baggage Center. This is a facility that specializes in dealing with unclaimed baggage from airports across the country.

At the Unclaimed Baggage Center, bags are opened, sorted, and processed. The contents of each bag are carefully examined, and anything of value is removed and appraised. Items that are in good condition are cleaned, repaired, and sorted for sale in the center’s retail store, which offers items at a discount.

What Happens to Valuable Items?

In some cases, unclaimed baggage contains valuable items such as jewelry, electronics, and high-end clothing. When these items are found, they are appraised by the Unclaimed Baggage Center and are either sold in the center’s retail store or through the center’s online store.

The Unclaimed Baggage Center has become known for finding and selling unique and valuable items. Over the years, the center has sold items such as a NASA camera, a suit of armor, and a 40-carat emerald. While these items are rare, the center receives new and interesting items on a daily basis.

What Happens to Unwanted Items?

Not all items that end up at the Unclaimed Baggage Center are valuable or interesting. In fact, most of the items that are processed by the center are everyday items such as clothing, shoes, and toiletries. These items are sorted and sold in the center’s retail store, with proceeds going to charity.

In some cases, items that are not suitable for sale are donated to charities and non-profit organizations. The Unclaimed Baggage Center works with a variety of organizations to ensure that unwanted items are put to good use.

How Can You Avoid Lost Luggage?

While lost luggage is an unfortunate part of travel, there are steps that you can take to minimize the risk of losing your bags. One of the most important steps is to make sure that your luggage is properly labeled with your name, address, and phone number.

It’s also a good idea to keep valuables, such as electronics and jewelry, in your carry-on luggage. This way, if your checked luggage goes missing, you will still have your most important items with you.

Finally, if your luggage does go missing, it’s important to report it to the airline as soon as possible. The sooner the airline is aware of the missing bag, the more likely it is that they will be able to locate it and return it to you.


Lost luggage can be a frustrating and stressful experience for travelers, but understanding the process and procedures can help ease some of the anxiety. If your luggage is lost, it’s important to remain patient and follow the proper steps to increase the chances of it being returned to you. And if your luggage is never found, it’s good to know that it may still have a second life at the Unclaimed Baggage Center, where it could end up being sold to someone who will appreciate its contents.


When luggage goes missing, airlines have a process in place to try and reunite the bag with its owner. If the bag cannot be located, it is classified as lost or mishandled. Unclaimed baggage is sent to the airport’s Unclaimed Baggage Center, where the contents are sorted and processed. Valuable items are sold in the center’s retail store, while unwanted items are sold with proceeds going to charity or donated to non-profit organizations. To avoid lost luggage, make sure your bags are properly labeled and keep valuables in your carry-on luggage. If your luggage does go missing, report it to the airline as soon as possible.


    • “Lost Luggage.” Transportation Security Administration, 27 Mar. 2020, www.tsa.gov/travel/travel-tips/lost-luggage.
    • “What Happens to Lost Luggage?” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 12 Feb. 2019, traveltips.usatoday.com/happens-lost-luggage-102496.html.
    • “Unclaimed Baggage Center – About Us.” Unclaimed Baggage Center, unclaimedbaggage.com/pages/about-us.

lost luggage is a common occurrence in air travel, and airlines have processes in place to reunite missing bags with their owners. However, when luggage goes unclaimed for a certain period of time, it is sent to the airport’s Unclaimed Baggage Center. The center specializes in dealing with unclaimed baggage from airports across the country, and sorts through the bags to find anything of value. Items that are in good condition are cleaned, repaired, and sorted for sale in the center’s retail store, while valuable items are appraised and sold online or in the store. Everyday items that are not suitable for sale are donated to charity.

To avoid lost luggage, travelers should ensure their bags are properly labeled and consider keeping valuables in their carry-on luggage. If luggage does go missing, it is important to report it to the airline as soon as possible to increase the chances of it being located.

While it can be frustrating to lose luggage during travel, it is reassuring to know that unclaimed baggage is not simply discarded. The Unclaimed Baggage Center provides a second chance for lost items and a unique shopping experience for those who visit its retail store.


    • “Delayed, Damaged, and Lost Baggage.” U.S. Department of Transportation, 29 Jan. 2021, www.transportation.gov/individuals/aviation-consumer-protection/delayed-damaged-and-lost-baggage.
    • “What Happens to Your Lost Luggage?” BBC News, 6 Mar. 2017, www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39100201.
    • “Unclaimed Baggage Center – About Us.” Unclaimed Baggage Center, unclaimedbaggage.com/pages/about-us.


What happens to lost luggage?

Lost luggage is held by the airline for a certain period of time. If the luggage is not claimed within that time, it may be sold or donated to charity.

How long do airlines hold lost luggage?

The amount of time airlines hold lost luggage varies, but it is usually around 90 days. After that, the luggage may be sold or donated to charity.

Can I claim lost luggage?

If you have lost luggage, you should contact the airline as soon as possible to report it. If the luggage is found, the airline will typically return it to you. If the luggage is not found, you may be eligible for compensation.

What happens to unclaimed baggage?

Unclaimed baggage may be sold at auctions or donated to charity.

Can I buy unclaimed baggage?

Yes, unclaimed baggage may be sold at auctions. Some auction companies specialize in selling unclaimed baggage and offer a wide range of items at a discounted price.

What should I do if my luggage is lost?

If your luggage is lost, you should contact the airline as soon as possible to report it. The airline will typically track your luggage and try to return it to you. If the luggage is not found, you may be eligible for compensation.

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