How to Find High volume Keywords in SEO with Low Competition?


Keyword research is the foundation of a successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. It entails identifying relevant keywords with high search volumes to drive organic traffic to your website. However, it can be perplexing to encounter low search volume keywords with high keyword difficulty. In this article, we will explore the correlation between search volume and keyword difficulty, factors contributing to high difficulty for low search volume keywords, and strategies for effectively utilizing these keywords in SEO campaigns.

Correlation between Search Volume and Keyword Difficulty

In most cases, high search volume keywords are associated with higher keyword difficulty. This indicates a strong demand for information related to the term, resulting in increased competition among websites aiming to rank highly. Consequently, ranking for these high-volume keywords becomes more challenging, leading to higher keyword difficulty scores.

Factors Contributing to High Difficulty for Low Search Volume Keywords

Despite the general trend, low search volume keywords can still pose a challenge due to the following factors:

  • Specificity and Intent Low-volume keywords often cater to a niche audience with well-defined search intent. Crafting content that precisely aligns with user expectations becomes more demanding for websites, considering the specific nature of these keywords.
  • Domain Authority Websites with established domain authority, having gained credibility and trust from search engines, may have an advantage when ranking for low-volume keywords. Even with limited search volume, their reputation can boost their rankings.
  • Backlink Profile High-quality backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites significantly impact keyword difficulty. Thus, even low-volume keywords with backlinks from trustworthy sources can be challenging to rank for.
  • SERP Features The presence of SERP features like Featured Snippets or Knowledge Panels can elevate keyword difficulty. These features directly address the user’s query, making it harder for other websites to attract organic traffic.
  • Competition Although low-volume keywords attract fewer website competitors compared to high-volume ones, the competition can still be intense. The fewer websites targeting the keyword may be highly optimized and possess strong domain authority, making top rankings difficult to achieve.

Identifying and Utilizing Low Volume, High Difficulty Keywords

Despite the challenges, low-volume keywords with high difficulty can offer strategic advantages such as:

  1. Reduced Competition With fewer competitors, your website can gain visibility more easily, avoiding the intense competition associated with high-volume keywords.
  2. Targeted Audience The specificity of these keywords attracts a more refined audience, increasing the likelihood of converting interested users into customers.
  3. Long-Term Potential Low-volume keywords have the potential to evolve into high-volume terms over time, giving your website a competitive edge from the beginning.

Strategies for Ranking for Low Volume, High Difficulty Keywords

Ranking for low-volume, high-difficulty keywords requires a nuanced approach. Consider the following strategies:

  1. Exceptional ContentCreate highly relevant and informative content that exceeds user expectations. Address the specific needs and interests of your niche audience.
  2. Technical OptimizationEnsure your website is technically sound, with fast loading times, mobile-friendliness, and a clear site structure.
  3. Targeted Internal LinkingStrategically link to relevant internal pages within your website to distribute authority and enhance the visibility of pages targeting low-volume keywords.
  4. High-Quality BacklinksFocus on acquiring backlinks from reputable websites within your industry. This will boost your domain authority and signal relevance to search engines.
  5. Patience and PersistenceRanking for low-volume, high-difficulty keywords requires time and consistent effort. Be patient, monitor your progress, and continuously refine your SEO strategy.

In a Nutshell

Low-volume, high-difficulty keywords may initially seem contradictory, but they present opportunities for strategic SEO campaigns. By understanding the factors involved and implementing targeted strategies, you can leverage these keywords to attract a niche audience, establish authority, and potentially enjoy long-term benefits in terms of website visibility and traffic. Embrace the power of high search volume low competition keywords and high search volume low KD to excel in your SEO endeavors.

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