Snapchat’s AR Try-On Feature

Snapchat’s AR Try-On Feature

Snapchat's AR Try-On Feature

Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature is transforming the world of online shopping by providing innovative ways for users to try on clothes and accessories virtually. This blog post explores the various ways in which is revolutionizing online shopping.


Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature is a cutting-edge tool that utilizes augmented reality technology to enable users to virtually try on clothing and accessories before making a purchase. This feature, available within the Snapchat app, enhances the shopping experience by allowing users to visualize how items will look on them without physically trying them on. Retailers and brands can leverage this feature to offer a more personalized shopping experience to their customers.

How this feature works:

Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature operates by overlaying virtual clothing and accessories onto the user’s body through augmented reality. In real time, users can examine how these items appear from different angles and make more informed decisions. This feature, integrated into the Snapchat app, empowers retailers and brands to deliver a highly personalized shopping experience.

Benefits of AR Try-On feature:

Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature offers numerous advantages for both users and retailers/brands. Some key benefits include:

  • Personalized shopping experience: Users can visualize how clothing and accessories will look on them prior to purchase, resulting in a more personalized and satisfying shopping journey.
  • Increased sales: Retailers and brands can leverage Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature to heighten customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and ultimately drive higher sales.
  • Reduced returns: By allowing users to virtually try on items, Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature mitigates sizing and style concerns, leading to fewer returns and greater customer satisfaction.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature presents a cost-effective solution for retailers and brands. They can provide a personalized shopping experience without the need for physical try-on stations, reducing expenses.

Revolutionary changes:

Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature is transforming online shopping in groundbreaking ways. Here are five notable ways it is revolutionizing the industry:

  • Enhanced personalization: With the ability to virtually try on clothing and accessories, users experience a more individualized shopping journey, leading to heightened satisfaction.
  • Boosted sales: The feature’s personalized nature fosters customer loyalty, satisfaction, and ultimately drives increased sales for retailers and brands.
  • Diminished returns: By enabling users to visualize how items will look on them, Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature reduces the frequency of returns due to incorrect sizing or mismatched styles.
  • Cost-efficient solution: Rather than investing in physical try-on stations, retailers and brands can capitalize on Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature to offer a personalized shopping experience, making it a cost-effective solution.
  • Engaging shopping experience: Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature provides a more interactive and engaging shopping experience. Users can virtually try on items, leading to heightened satisfaction and loyalty.

Examples showcasing features in action:

Several retailers and brands have already leveraged this feature to offer a personalized shopping experience. Here are a few notable examples:

  • Puma: Employed Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature to allow users to virtually try on their latest hoodie collection.
  • Sephora: It incorporated Snapchat’s feature, enabling users to virtually try on different makeup products.
  • Ray-Ban: Ray-Ban utilized Snapchat’s feature, giving users the opportunity to virtually try on various sunglasses.


Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature is revolutionizing online shopping by enabling users to make informed purchasing decisions through virtual try-on. This feature brings numerous benefits such as personalization, increased sales, reduced returns, cost-effectiveness, and an engaging shopping experience. As more retailers and brands adopt this groundbreaking feature, users can anticipate an even more personalized shopping journey, while retailers enjoy higher sales.


How does Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature work?

It works by using augmented reality technology to overlay clothes and accessories onto the user’s body. Users can see how clothes and accessories look on them in real time and can move around to see how the clothes and accessories look from different angles.

What are the benefits?

Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature offers several benefits to both users and retailers/brands. Some of the benefits include a more personalized shopping experience, increased sales, reduced returns, cost-effectiveness, and a more engaging shopping experience.

How is Snapchat upgrading its AR shopping experience?

Snapchat is upgrading its AR shopping experience with updates to both the Shopping Lenses inside its social app as well as to the analytics shared with Snap’s brand and retail partners. For consumers, the AR shopping features become more practical to use, as they’ll now display key product details and real-time pricing.

What are some examples of retailers and brands using Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature?

Some examples of retailers and brands using Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature include Puma, Sephora, and Ray-Ban. Puma used to allow users to try on their latest hoodie collection virtually, Sephora used Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature to allow users to try on different makeup products virtually, and Ray-Ban used Snapchat’s AR Try-On feature to allow users to try on different sunglasses virtually.

How can I create my own augmented reality for Snapchat?

You can create your own augmented reality for Snapchat using Snap AR. Snap AR enables creators around the world to create augmented reality for utility, entertainment, shopping, self-expression, games, education, and more. You can join the growing community of over 300,000 Lens Creators & Developers who are building millions of AR Lenses and gain access to programs and partnerships that help you learn, innovate, and grow as you build your augmented reality business.

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